BasuNivesh completed 4 Years !!!

I am happy to share with you all that today BasuNivesh completed 4 years. A small journey started four years back is now a big success in my life and way of learning about personal finance.


It is a great leap from zero to now around 3,00,000+  page views per month. I started this blog when I was about to complete CFP. First one year was too hard. Because I neither know how to write nor the technology called SEO. Slowly learned many things on my own. I still remember that if in any particular day blog page views reached around 300-400, then that was my big day.  

Gaining the faith of readers and my clients is not an easy task. Blog started to pick slowly and also the client base. Now I proudly say that I have a client base across the globe. Also, I never met my clients personally. I meet majority of my clients through email communication, using hang out and skype technologies. It is the faith and trust that is working for me and I promise that I stick to that ethics and trust.  

Some comparison of statistics of blog from Dec, 2014 to Dec, 2015 are as below.

BasuNivesh Statistics 2015

Last year’s few top posts, which I liked to write them.

What I learned from Blogging in the last year?

Readers promoted me and supported when I came with new ideas and at the same time, they were harsh when they doubted in some cases. For example, when I wrote a post on a product review, I found many have doubted that I may be promoting. However, I never did that and never will do that in future. I received so many offers to write a content, which is paid by some financial institutes. However, to be loyal to my readers and sticking to my ethics, I rejected the offer. 

What am I looking forward in the next few years?

I am planning to launch BasuNivesh App and online portal, where investors may find it easy to compare products. 

Hope in coming years you all support and encourage me to learn and share more about personal finance.

Any suggestions for improvement??

102 thoughts on “BasuNivesh completed 4 Years !!!”

  1. Congrats basu……thank you so much for your informative blog. I have been introduced to your blog very recently. You have explained each aspect in a simple language without using complex terms. I have not yet finished reading through your old articles. Based on your advise, I have stopped my endowment policies& have opted for pure term,accident & health policies. Now, I am eagerly waiting for your article on critical illness. Hope to see one soon.
    Another humble suggestion, please introduce a search option in your old article section ,so that one does not have to go through the whole lot for a specific topic

  2. I need clarification on Q2.

    If I don’t open FD jointly but stay joint holder of bank a/c ; in that case, how will be the tax liability for both of us for Savings A/c interest? Will it be 50-50 for savings interest earned (4% p.a) ?

  3. Hearty congratulations Basu!!.
    Keep going and sharing, great blog! There are many blogs on the web but what makes your blog unique is, your engagement with readers by not only answering but questioning them too for the sake of clarity and for the sake of readers. The other feather in the cap is your unbiased and fair advice.
    I wish all the best for the feature endeavors, but make sure that you will have enough time to interact with your readers, that is the one BIG PLUS makes you to stand different from other bloggers.
    All the best!

  4. Hearty congratulations !!!!!!
    And best wishes for coming years ahead.

    And thanking you very much for spreading financial literacy.

    I came out from LIC’s ulip plan and taken pure term insurance after reading your blog on term insurance.

    Your blog, viewer’s comments and your reply to comments helps me tostar SIP in Mutual Fund starting from how to do KYC to selection mutual fund.


  5. Hearty congratulations Basu for your achievements! Wish you a progressive year in 2016. We need more people like you who are good in their fields sharing knowledge to help others. Keep it up!

    I’m adding one personal question below. I work in an MNC and have salaried income+Adsense income+FD interest. Now I want to open a bank a/c for my mom who is family pensioner having no IT return or taxes(having PAN). I want to transfer 5 Lakh from my a/c to her new a/c and make FD in her name to avail senior citizen FD interest rate. Her pension + FD int income together will be < 3 lakhs PA. Now will she need to pay tax in her income and file ITR?

    Will this be treated as tax evasion for me? And how will I show this transaction while filing my ITR this fin year?
    And I show my adsense income in 'other income' while filing ITR, is this correct?

    1. Sanjay-Thanks for your wishes 🙂 Points to remember are-
      1) When you gift to your mother, then there is no tax as the gifting is within the family.
      2) But make sure to have a documented properly (at least in a plain paper).
      3) However, such gifting will not lower your tax liability.
      4) Yes, if her total income within a year is more than minimum tax exempted limit, then she must file IT return and pay the tax.
      5) You will not save tax on any amount you gifted. So no question of tax evasion.
      6) However, you may save the taxation on earnings of Rs.5,00,000 if your mother’s total income is less than the basic exemption limit.
      7) Your Adsense revenue is not “Income from Other Sources” but it must be shown under the income head of “Profits or Gains of Business or Profession”.
      Hope I cleared your doubts.

      1. Thanks for your reply.
        Q1. Is there any format for documentation of gift ? Can I do it on A4 paper on top I write I’m giving gift of 5 lakhs and sign and below she’ll write I receive 5 lakhs with sign mentioning our bank a/c nos.?

        I use ITR-1 using Just upload form-16 and fill in asked details. Mentioning FD interest+Adsense income+Flipkart/Amazon Affiliate income added together as ‘income from other sources’. You said that Adsense income should be shown under “Profits or Gains of Business or Profession”.

        Q2. Now being a salaried person, can I show both income; salary and Adsense+Affiliate income under ‘Business & Profession income’ ? Can a salaried person have those incomes ? And where should I show FD income?

        Q3. Now I’m getting some home tuition. Is there any tax exception for income from tuition? If so, how much and where should I show them in ITR?

        Q4. And for my mom, if her FD income+pension together < 3 lakhs in a FY then she can submit form 16H and need not file ITR, right? As TDS is not deducted given 15H and income are below minimum limit.

        Q5. I read somewhere that for creative professionals like writers, maximum 3 lakhs are exempted directly before calculating income. Is this true? Can making videos on YouTube and earning Adsense from that falls in that category? Wish to see a detailed article on that from you.

        1. Sanjay-1) You can find a sample deed HERE. Yes, your AdSense income is business income.
          2) You must show salary under the income head of salary, adsense income under business income and bank interest under income from other sources. Yes, there is no such obligation that salaried must not have any other sources of income.
          3) No, there is no such tax exemption on your tuition income.Your tuition income is again be added under business income.
          4) Yes.
          5) I don’t know about any such special privileges to create writers. Yes, your youtube and adsense earnings will fall under business income.

          Sure..let me plan for that post.

          1. Thanks for the reply Basu Ji,
            I’ve few questions-
            Q1. If I open a joint bank a/c with my mom (sr. citizen) and me (non. sr. citizen) with E.O.S operational mode. And make a FD jointly with her being the primary holder of FD. How will the tax liability be for both of us? Her pension and FD income will be < 3 Lakhs, and she does not file ITR. But I'm regular tax payer and file ITR.
            Q2. And if I don't open FD jointly but stay joint holder of bank a/c ; in that case, how will be the tax liability for both of us?
            Q3. While posting comment, the mail id I give, I don't get any mail while you post a reply.

            1. Sanjay-1) As your mother is primary holder, the interest income will be in her name.
              2) It’s again on primary holder.
              Because this feature is not implemented on my blog. For this I have to use one more plugin. This add other issues like slow loading and all. Hence, I avoided that.

  6. Hi Basu many congratulations for this achievement and a very happy new year.
    * Don’t know why my comment is not showing here* any way I want to say that I am a follower of your blog and after reading your blog I came to know the difference between insurance and investment and able to take decision on buying e-term and investment in ppf. May this year brings success to you and hope you continue your works in guiding us in same manner. All the best!!!

  7. Have Been a Banker for 14 Years.. Love the way you write basu.. Best wishes and may you become the no. 1 in your segment soon…


    Dear Basu sir,
    good evening. congratulations for successful completion of your blog for 4 years. you are doing very good service to the society. the blog is informative. I wish this blog do more creative things

  9. Congratulations Sir for completing 4 years !!!

    Hope this is only the beginning of a long journey since still 3 out of 4 Indian adults are financially illiterate and they need your advice.

    So keep going

    Best wishes!!!

  10. congrats sir.u are already doing a great job and will go a long way. very few people will provide information like you do and most importantly you are very different from other bloggers in the sense that you are inclined to educating consumers than selling a product.

  11. Congrats Sir on completion of four years. I chanced upon your blog about two years ago and have been following it religiously since then. My mutual fund investments are all based upon your recommendations and you have been providing very good insights into the financial world for laymen like us.

    Please do keep up the good work and wishing you tremendous success in the future!!

  12. Hearty Congratulations Basavaraj on completing 4 years. Your posts are always lucid and clear. By reading your articles one can get clear understanding of the subject matter. Your patient answering of each comment is a clear winner. Looking forward to more financial literacy from you!!.

  13. Hi Basu , I started reading your blog when i joined my first job. Only because of your blog I am able to use the hard earned salary properly in the financial instruments. You have helped a lot of young earners to understand various investment and insurance options. Now I am helping lot of my family members to manage their money properly only because of you. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful articles. keep the good work 🙂

  14. Congrats Basu! I remember visiting about 3 years back and I completed reading all the available posts overnight at a stretch. Such was the quality of content and I can say it continues to be so. It has developed itself into a one-stop page for any financial query.

  15. Congrats Basavaraj…..way to go….you are like an inspiration to all those layman in financial issues. You are doing a great job…keep up the good work

  16. Hi Basu,

    Congratulations !
    I’m big fan, without reading this blog I can’t start my day :)…Its my daily news paper

  17. Congratulation, Your Blog is very helpful and informative on finance. We can able to understand good and hidden in any scheme. Basically I have understand lot of financial from your articles. I am a regular user.

    Wishing you all the best for new year.


  18. We have learn many about financial matters from your blog.Thanks for your hard work and delegation.Many more returns of the day.

  19. Hi Basu,

    Congratulations on reaching a milestone! I’ve been following this for more than 2 years now and found many answers to my nagging doubts and also discovered or learnt many useful financial things.

    It is not the number of years; the amount of service you’ve rendered to the financially less literate people like me and the amount of effort that you’ve personally brought in to this, is quite appreciated. I admire your personal involvement, patience, depth of knowledge and the various resources you’ve invested in to this.

    Wishing you all the best for all your future endeavors.

  20. Congratulation Basu…. My best wishes with you …

    Honestly, It’s been few days I found your site but already big fan 🙂 .. Reading your old post continuously

    Key differential I feel about this site is none of the post/opinion is from selling any product (biased in anyway)….very few such site I found … Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Parthiban Thulasi

    Dear Basavaraj,

    Google introduced to your website, 3 yrs back, when I was searching for Tax Planing & saving Blog.
    some where here .

    Since then I had learn, many useful personal finance management information here.
    Along with other few other popular blogs, you blog help me (a pharmacy graduate) to think like a CA, while investing and tax planing.

    Simplicity in your explanation gained my attention, frankly.

    I wish your website to bring more Success to your readers and you too.


    Parthiban Thulasi

  22. “To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe”. My heartiest congratulations on your achievement today! You really deserve it.

  23. I don’t know how I found out this website one year before,but today I’m very happy because I’m also one of the regular reader and your work on it is awesome. In a financial blog being balanced is a challenging work but you are doing the best. Congratulations for your 4th-year completion and all the best for your next 🙂
    Finally, I’m eagerly waiting basunivesh mobile app!

  24. Hi basu sir, after a long time I am coming in touch with u. Firstly, my HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS for completing 4yrs of this journey.
    I should thank u for educating us with ur articles without which we would not have discipline in financial matters. I am regular follower of ur articles.
    I wish u to complete many more successful yrs with good articles reaching millions of people.
    We all b waiting for ur app. Tq.

  25. Dear Basuji,

    I joined the forum late in the run but was captivated by that honesty, clarity and humility. Enjoyed asking you questions and deciding the course of action after your views. So wish you a grand success in the days to come and many more viewers to your platform.

    Would continue pestering you to find way in the complex financial world. 🙂

    Warm regards,


  26. Hi Mr basu, ur blog is great . there are many such blogs online. But hardly we get any reply from any. Yours is the one which replies that too prompt response. Fantastic boss. And finally trust. After your advice I have reviewed my decisions. The latest one was to reject the temptation to open NPS. Thanks and all the best.

  27. Hey Basu,

    My hearty congratulations for your achievement. That’s some great progress. Yes usually the first year is tough; that’s when most bloggers quit. It is great that you’ve managed to evolve and as well as grow!

    My best wishes for continued success for years to come 🙂


  28. Congratulation, Your Blog is very helpful and informative on finance.

    Wishing you all the best for new year.


  29. Brahmananda Reddy

    Basu sir,

    Hearty congratulations sir. I learnt lot of personal finanace things from this site and following your sugestions strictly. I have taken term,accidental,health,critical illness and ready with EmergencyFund. Dumped all my endowment plans and investing only in MFs(30:70 debt:equity). I am financially safe atleaset somewhat . All these happened only because of

    Thanks a Lot sir. Have a wonderful future for You and

    Brahmananda Reddy.


    Thank You So Much For All Your Informative Blogs, & Guiding us to right direction.

    Keep it up man, for more n more n more years.

    All the Best & Happy New Year !

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