Best Tax Free Bonds 2019 in India – How to buy Tax Free Bonds?

Many of us always look for safe, tax-free returns and especially the retirees. One such option is Tax-Free Bonds. Let us see the available Best Tax Free Bonds 2019 in India.

What are Tax Free Bonds?

Tax Free Bonds are debt products. Usually in India Tax Free Bonds are offered by Government Public Sector Companies like NHAI, NTPC, HUDCO, REC, REL, IREDA or PFC.

In simple terms, you are lending money to these Government Public Sector Companies. In return, they promise you to pay certain interest on a yearly basis until maturity. Such yearly interest is called a coupon in the bond market.

The yearly interest what you receive from such tax free bonds are tax free in the hands of the investors. Hence, they have an advantage of safety (as these are Government Organizations) and tax-free income.

Hence, one can include such tax free bonds who are looking for yearly tax free returns for the long term.

Usually, the bond maturity is long term like 10 years, 15 years or 20 years. Hence, we may say as these tax-free bonds are tax-free, secured, redeemable and non-convertible in nature.

Many of us are unaware of these options. As these bonds are listed on stock exchanges like NSE or BSE, one can buy these bonds or sell them in a secondary market (even though the liquidity is a concern as the trading volume of these bonds are very less).

Individuals or HUF can buy such bonds. Currently, there are no such options available in the primary market. Hence, we can buy it from the secondary market.

There is no maximum limit for investment and also the interest payable is on a yearly basis. At maturity, you will get the face value you invested. The interest will be payable annually to your bank account directly.

How do I buy Tax Free Bonds?

As of now, there are no such offerings directly in the primary market. Hence, the only option for us is to buy them from the secondary market like NSE or BSE. The Bonds which are already available in the secondary market are older bonds with varying maturity years.

Difference between buying from Primary Market to Secondary Market

There is a huge difference in buying the tax-free bonds from the primary market to the secondary market. Hence, you have to understand it with the utmost care.

When you are buying the tax free bonds from the primary market, the buying price is the same as that of the face value of the bond. It means, if the face value of a bond is Rs.1,000, then the bond is available for you at Rs.1,000 itself.

However, when you buy the tax free bonds from the secondary market, then the buying price is not equal to face value of the bond. Suppose the face value of the bond is Rs.1,000, then it may be available at a discounted rate or at a rate higher than the face value of the bond.

Hence, based on the bond price and interest rate you will receive till maturity, the bond yield will vary. If the price of the bond is lesser than the face value, then the yield for holding such bonds will be higher. Same way, if the price of the bond is more than the face value, then the yield of holding such bonds will be lesser.

Meaning of yield in simple term is the return you will receive by investing in the bond. The yield on the bond will be inverse to price of the bond.

What is the meaning of YIELD on Tax-Free Bonds?

As I said above, the yield is the RETURN that you will get it by investing in the bonds. Let me simplify this concept. Because it is very much important to understand the concept of yield when you are investing in bonds.

Assume that you are buying a Bond, whose face value is Rs.1,000, tenure is 10 years and the price is also Rs.1,000 with coupon rate at 8% (yearly interest).

In such a case, the YIELD will be 8%. Because it means by investing Rs.1,000 (which is same for face value and price of the bond), you are receiving 8% yearly income up to 10 years.

However, assume that suddenly RBI increased the interest rate. Assume that there are other options which are offering you higher returns than 8%. Hence, no one will buy such 8% yield bonds. In such a case, the price of this particular bond will fall. Hence, even though the face value remains the same i.e Rs.1,000, the price of the bond may fall. Assume it fallen to Rs.900.

Now those who buy these bonds will earn more than those who purchased it at Rs.1,000 right? Because of those who purchased by investing Rs.1,000 and those who purchased by investing Rs.900 will earn the same interest rate of 8%. However, those who purchased at Rs.900 will have lesser investment to earn the same 8% returns.

Hence, whenever the price of the bond (NOT THE FACE VALUE as it will remain same and will never change) goes up and down, then the yield on your investment will go up and down. Hence, while buying the bond, if the price of the bond is lesser than the face value, then the yield will be higher than the coupon rate. However, if the price of the bond is more than face value, then the yield on the bond is lesser than the coupon rate.

Taxation of Tax Free Bonds

As the name suggests, the interest income what you will receive from such tax-free bonds will be tax-free. Also, there is no concept of TDs on whatever the interest you will earn. Because the returns are tax-free.

However, you purchased the bond and in the middle if you wish to sell it off in secondary market like in NSE or BSE, then based on the capital gain and holding period, you have to pay the tax on the purchase.

If the holding period is less than 12 months, capital gains on the sale of tax-free bonds on stock exchanges are taxed as per the tax rate of the investor. If bonds are held for more than 12 months, the gains are taxed at 10% or 20% with indexation.

Best Tax Free Bonds 2019 in India

By now you might understand the features of tax-free bonds, their taxation and all. Let us now find the Best Tax Free Bonds 2019 in India available currently for buying.

Best Tax Free Bonds 2019 in India



# Never concentrate on COUPON rate. It is the interest rate which you will receive on a yearly basis till maturity. However, you are investing either more or less than the issue price, hence this DOES NOT MATTER TO YOU AT ALL.

# Concentrate on YIELD rather than the coupon. Because your return on investment will be YIELD but not COUPON. YIELD and COUPON will be same if you purchased during the first issue. However, you are buying them from the secondary market. Hence, due to price variation, there will be a change in YIELD.

# Concentrate on the MATURITY date. Yield returns you will get it if you HOLD the bond till maturity. KEEP THIS IN MIND. Also, try to buy the bond as per your holding period.

# If possible try to concentrate on trade volume also. Higher the volume means higher liquidity for you. Hence, in the future, it may help you if you try to sell it in the secondary market.

Advantages of Tax-Free Bonds

# Tax Free Returns on the current yield of around 6% is not at all bad.

# Assume you are under 30% tax bracket, then holding a 6% Tax Free Bond is same as that of the holding 8.5% Bank FD. If you are under 20% tax bracket, then holding 6% tax free bond is same as that of holding 7.5% Bank FD. Same way, if you are under 10% tax bracket, then holding 6% tax free bond is the same as that of holding 6.5% FD. Hence, investing in such tax free bonds is more beneficial for those who are at a higher tax bracket.

# Best for those who are looking for yearly income from their investment.

# They are safe as the issuing companies of Public Sector Companies.

# NO TDS on yearly interest.

# If luckily the interest rate falls in future than the coupon rate you are holding, then your bond price may go up. In return, if you sell it in the secondary market, then you may earn more than what you invested.

Disadvantages of Tax-Free Bonds

# These bonds offer you the annual interest rate. Hence, not suitable for those who are looking for the accumulation of wealth rather than yearly income.

# Maturity is for long term. Hence, enter into such bonds with caution.

# Even though you can sell them in the secondary market, the successful selling depends on the number of buyers and the price you quote.

# If interest rates go up then the bonds you are holding, then the price of such bonds will decrease. Hence, if in middle you try to sell it in the secondary market, then you may get the lesser price of what you paid for buying the bond.

Considering all these options, I recommend tax-free bonds to those who are looking for safe, annual, tax-free and long term returns, then definitely you can buy and invest.

Refer our other posts related to Bonds:-

30 thoughts on “Best Tax Free Bonds 2019 in India – How to buy Tax Free Bonds?”

  1. Jagadish Ruiwale

    Dear SIRS ,

    When we purchase bonds from secondary market , (thru Demat account), is the interest payment credited to the account linked to Demat account or is there an option to link another account to these bonds,

    Currently Hudco N3 are available at much lower price compated to other bonds. Is there a catch somewhere in this?

    Thank you , for your assistance
    Jagdish Ruiwale

  2. Dear Basavaraj

    I have question. Let’s say I bought 100 tax free bonds from secondary market at Rs 1100 ( face value Rs 1000 ) at a coupon rate of 9% and yield of ( YTM) 6% with residual maturity of 5 years. I decided to keep bonds till residual maturity. How much interest I would get every year and how much amount I would get it back after 5 years ? Since I wish to keep bonds till residual maturity, I do not need to worry about daily traded volume ?

  3. Dear Basavaraj Ji,

    A very nice article covering all aspects. Based on your advice, i bought HUDCO & REC taxfree bonds in secondary market on a premium. Now as you said, this premium is a loss and cannot be recovered. If I hold the bonds till maturity, can i adjust the long term capital loss (purchase price – redemption value) against any LTCG I may make on shares or mutual funds at the date of maturity.

  4. Dear Sir,

    Thanks for the information. Based on your advice, I recently purchased from Tax Free Bonds of HUDCO from NSE whose coupon payment date falls on 5th March each year. Since i have purchased them now, will i get full coupon interest or for only my holding period (roughly 95 days till 5th March) ?

  5. An option to the retired employees must be there to invest their retired amount in any of the bonds one or more. This will assure them the investment and protect them for their future additional amount in addition to their pension.
    This will be beneficial both to the Govt. and the investors since it is a guarenteed and interest for the retiree. The same can be initiated .

    1. Dear Rakesh,
      There are enough online calculators to do this. You just have to input the data. It is a myth that higher yield is better the script. Some defaulted companies bonds are trading at 100% yield because of the fall in price.

      1. I am not sure whether my understanding is correct or not. Please correct me if i am wrong. If u observe the volume traded(3234), which is good for bond tradings. Let us assume i have bought the 1 bond at LTP(1041.11) & i will wait till the bond maturity which is sep 17th 2019. Here i am also assuming the interest is paid annually . so according to bond coupon rate 10.24%, i will get (1000 + 102.4) = 1102.4. so i am getting profit of around 60.

  6. sir i am 63 years old.i want to pay my married daughter a profitable investment plan which can be withdraw after 13/15 years. i want to pay him 3/5 lakh now.she is 30 years old and she has one child 4 years old.she is not tax payer now.which plans (1or 2) or investment is better for her.

  7. Basu … Very nice article .. very informative . Thank you .Can you please verify … M&MFinance may not have issued Taxfree Bonds … Think no private sector guys got that permission in my limited knowledge

    1. Dear Nagendra,
      Yes, you are right. I have not used the commonsense which you showed 🙂 Actually, the error was from NSE side as they listed it under Tax Free Bonds. Hence, I collected the data. However, I too doubted the numbers. But sadly not used the commonsense what you used 🙂 Corrected the same and thanks once again for your comment.

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