Today Finance Minster launched the new initiative called Aaykar Setu App and the same feature in IT Department portal. There are many new features which are user-friendly. Let us see the features.
Ayakar Setu App and Website Features
# Ayakar Setu App features
To download the Aaykar Setu App, you have to give a missed call to the number 7306525252. Then they will send you the link for downloading the Aaykar Setu App.
The Aaykar Setu App looks like above image and features are as below.
- You can search TRP (Tax Return Preparer)– You can search TRPs of your area by using Google Map option. Refer my earlier post to know more about TRPs-Income Tax Return Filing-Do you know TRPS (Tax Return Preparer Scheme)?.
- Tax Tools-Thre are so many calculators available online. These are Medical Facility, Rent Free Accommodation, Transport Allowance Calculator, Children education and allowance calculator, HRA Calculator, IT Return Calculator, TDS calculator and much more. So you may say all calculators are now available at one place.
- PAN/TAN-Using Aaykar Setu App, you can apply for PAN or TAN online.
- Download TDS or Form 16-You can download your Form 16 or TDS Certificate and can understand the basics of TDS and applicable TDS rates.
- Tax Payment-You can pay your tax using this app. You can pay tax, calculate tax, file rectification, ask challan status inquiry or make a correction in Challan.
- Tax Gyan “A Game”-There is a game to test your tax skill and knowledge.
- Got a problem-You can check your refund status, TDS mismatch, PAN migration, rectification status, register grievance or check the grievance status.
- LIVE CHAT-This is I think a big relief to many. You can chat live with IT Dept helpdesk from morning 10 AM to evening 6 PM from Monday to Friday.
# Ayakar Setu Website
Same way as Aaykar Setu App, the features are available in the IT Dept porta. The link for the same is AYAKAR SETU. The screen looks like below.
By launching this, I think many of our small problems can be resolved and in my view, it is the best step. In all, the biggest feature I may say is the online chat with IT Dept Helpdesk. This makes many of us resolve small issues at the earliest.
Let us see how it works and do share your experience of this app.
Hi basu sir, good morning. Tq for updating us. My doubt is by installing this app can we do IT filing by our own.
Sudheer-As per information YES. But I have not tried. Please try and share your experience.
This has a menu named File your tax return. But this gives you instruction on how to file ITR on efiling website. This app does not have its own features to upload return directly.
Sujit-Thanks for the update.