12 thoughts on “Kids Savings Account-Benefits and Feasibility”

  1. Dear Basu,
    Thank you very much for the article. I’ve a 7 year old son, and have 10 years to save for his education. I want to start with 4k- 5k per month in equity mutual funds. I there any advantage of routing the investment through a minor savings account.
    Any other comments/ suggestion is also welcome.

  2. Hello, I have same question as ayush. Which equity mutual funds Wil u suggest… What about child insurance policy n all

  3. Hi Basu, I am going to be father next month and I want to save for my child. I can invest upto Rs50000 per year.Can u suggest me which plan out of the below are Best. Bank FD, Bank RD or PPF or jeevan Anand policy? Kindly reply on [email protected]

    1. Ayush-None of the plans mentioned by you are worth to generate the best return for your kid’s future. Stay away from these plans. Simple thing to follow is, have enough term insurance and start investing in equity mutual fund for the long term view. Never stop in the middle even if markets tumble (this is the best opportunity actually to invest). See the fruits after 15 to 20 years 🙂

  4. Dear Basu,

    Is it possible to keep kids account separate from ones own personal bank account, if pan card obtained for them.? what if they can earn dividend as source of income + have a pan card? – read some where but needed your feedback too.

    1. Partho-Above mentioned kids account are entirely separate accounts to your own accounts. Only you are acting as a guardian for your kid’s account. Please read the last few lines about taxation for minor children, the same rule applies for whatever be your kids’ earnings.

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