11 thoughts on “How to earn around 7% from your savings account safely?”

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for the informative post.

    Could you please let me know if Axis super saver home loan offers the same benefits as Bank of Baroda Home Loan Advantage and SBI MaxGain?

    Thanks in advance,

      1. Thank you for the quick response, Mr. Basu. Really appreciated.

        I think similar to Bank of Baroda, Axis super saver home loan also provides a separate account and issues a separate cheque book and ATM card (as per the website).

        As Bank of Baroda is not financing the project in which I have invested in, I am planning to go ahead with Axis Super Saver Home Loan. It would be great if you can let me know the things to look at for this product (apart from listed above).

        Again thanks for your response.


  2. Every bank home loan should have this option in my opinion as we have in overseas, Its called offset account.
    Its sad to see banks over complicating these simple things for customers.

  3. How it is foolish to retain home loans for sake of Tax savings. Can you elaborate it. I also have home loan I have sufficient money only for the purpose of Tax savings iam continuing the loan without prepayment.

    1. Dear Sai,
      Think wisely 🙂 Assume that Mr.X and Mr.Y fall under 30% tax bracket. Mr.X does not have home loan and Mr.Y opted a home loan for tax saving purpose under Sec.24 (maximum is Rs.2 lakh). Now, in the case of Mr.X, he will pay the tax of Rs.60,0000, this may seems to Mr.Y the foolish thing to pay such hefty tax. However, in case of Mr.Y, to save the tax at any cost (Rs.60,000), he is donating Rs.1,40,000 (Rs.2,00,000 interest-Rs.60,000 tax saved) to the bank. It is like as below.
      Dear Bank,
      I have to save the tax by hook or crook. Hence, legally I opted your home loan, where, I am ready to pay you Rs.1,40,0000 for the sake of saving tax.
      Now, Mr.X, after paying Rs.60,000 tax, will keep Rs.1,40,000 in his pocket safely. But Mr.Y, who is happy that he saved Rs.60,000 tax will have to pay the interest to the bank in the form of Rs.1,40,000.
      Now who is wise and who is fool? Paying Rs.60,000 tax and having Rs.1,40,000 in your pocket or saving Rs.60,000 tax and donating Rs.1,40,000 to bank???

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